She completed an Artist in Residence program in the Loogootee Schools, Indiana, and her work has been shown at exhibitions from the East coast to the West coast; she has won awards that include Best of Show and First Place. Her mission is to create positive emotion evoking fine art that touches hearts and souls of all peoples through many forms, designs and styles. All that Michele brings to life on paper or canvas conveys an unparallel spirituality that the viewer will not only see, but deeply feel. Two paintings, “No More Mines” and “Pauluha” were accepted by Sir Paul McCartney through the United Nations in 2005, for his and Heather Mills, Adopt a Mine Foundation. “Eight Gifts” was published by Briarpatch for an exclusive 2007 Hanukah puzzle for Barnes and Noble.
Several pieces were chosen by the Coen Brothers motion picture film producers for “A Serious Man”, nominated for both Golden Globe and Academy Award for Best Picture, 2009